Cisl Romagna on the income of citizens: Romagna worse than Emilia

Francesco Marinelli

  The data recently published by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) regarding the income of Italian municipalities for the year 2022 offer an interesting insight into how the economic conditions of the citizens of Romagna are developing. The numbers confirm some significant trends, but also raise some fundamental questions about the future of … Read more

Memorandum of Understanding between State Police Association and ADVS Ravenna

dragoni fadda

The agreement was signed on Tuesday, April 23 memorandum of understanding between Born Donors-State Police Association and Ravenna Volunteer Blood Donors Association (federal Fidas). This agreement complements the one already existing at the national level with the aim of further spreading the culture of donating blood and blood components and increasing the number of regular … Read more

Seasonal training for minor high school students as well. The region receives the green light from the Ministry and the Labor Inspectorate

barista al mare

The seasonal apprenticeship contract it can also be fully used by minors in fields other than the field of the attended educational track. After discussion with the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, the region obtained a positive opinion that allows young people aged 15 to 25 to be employed on a first-level apprenticeship contract. … Read more

Tribute to Elvis Presley at the first night of Ravenna Jazz on Friday 3 May in Alighieri

Generico aprile 2024

  Friday 3 May at 9pm at the Alighieri Theatre on the first evening of the year Ravenna Jazz the Italian Jazz Orchestra will perform under the direction of the conductor Fabio Petrettiwith a pianist Rita Marcotulli and a singer John DeLeo as exceptional guest soloists. The original production they design, “Blue Suede Shoes”is a … Read more

Elections of the Cervia lifeguard association: confirmed by the board of directors

Fabio Ceccaroni

A regular meeting of seaside businessmen from the area gathered in the Dante Hotel in Cervia in recent days. Cervia lifeguard association for the renovation of corporate offices. After the approval of the 2023 budget, in particular the item dedicated to the Bolkestein Fund, prudently earmarked in recent years, for the proposal of an industrial … Read more

Dialects, the region’s call to protect local languages: 100 thousand euros available to local authorities


Support for the protection and valorization of dialects, considered as real local languages, which are part of the regional historical, civic and cultural heritage. The Regional Council has approved a tender procedure that makes available 100 thousand euros for municipalities, unions of municipalities, provinces and metropolitan cities, cultural associations and organizations based in Emilia-Romagna registered … Read more

Make-up, styling and manicure guests thanks to the Ravenna Academy

Generico aprile 2024

Once a week 12 students from the Academy of Aesthetics and Wellness in Ravenna, managed by IAL Emilia-Romagna, they go to wind rose, multifunctional complex for seniors to offer manicure, make-up or styling for guests. Projecton a voluntary basis, around thirty students have taken part in it so far and it has a threefold advantage: … Read more

European May, all events in Ravenna and other municipalities in the province


Every year in May, the month of Europe is celebrated, and the date of May 9 in particular symbolizes its birth, which is why it is called Europe Day. The date actually marks the anniversary of the historic “declaration” of 1950, in which the then French foreign minister, Robert Schuman, presented a proposal for the … Read more

African art returns home: German museums an example for Europe

L’arte africana torna a casa: i musei tedeschi un esempio per l’Europa

April 2024 marks an important step for Africa and Europe: German museums return art objects to Cameroon after being illegally exported during the colonial period. The Bangwa people belonging to the southwestern region of the territory have already received several items and can only be happy about them. This is the first step to return … Read more

New civic list in the area of ​​”Courage and Innovation” in support of Mattio Missiroli, Mayor

mattia missiroli 2

Samanta Farabegoli is the head of the list, Chiara Caraboni is the coordinator of the newly created citizen list “Courage and Innovation with Mayor Missiroli”, center-left mayoral candidate in Cervia. The birth of the list and the press conference to present the list of candidates took place on Wednesday 24 April at Mima Beach 272, … Read more