Dialects, the region’s call to protect local languages: 100 thousand euros available to local authorities

Support for the protection and valorization of dialects, considered as real local languages, which are part of the regional historical, civic and cultural heritage. The Regional Council has approved a tender procedure that makes available 100 thousand euros for municipalities, unions of municipalities, provinces and metropolitan cities, cultural associations and organizations based in Emilia-Romagna registered in the Unified National Register of the Third Sector and other non-profit entities doing business in the territory for cultural purposes.

Eligible are projects that carry out the actions envisaged by Regional Law 16 of 2014, and in particular the study and research of local dialects, seminars, conferences and refresher courses, which also take place in collaboration with universities, research centers, cultural associations and experts.

Projects to establish professional bibliographic funds and documentary archives, including audio, may be supported. Due to the urgency of recording the voices of the last real witnesses of the various local dialects, priority will be given to projects that record the dialects of Emilia-Romagna and prepare specific sound archives that will be freely and freely available online to all researchers. .

Projects can also be financed to support teaching in schools for the dissemination of the culture associated with the dialects of Emilia-Romagna among new generations, favoring in particular the meeting of young and old with a view to intergenerational exchange.

Also the support of events, shows and other artistic productions, such as editorial, recording, television and multimedia initiatives aimed at the appreciation of the dialects of Emilia-Romagna and the cultural reality associated with them.

Submitted projects must be started and implemented between January 1 and December 31, 2024. Projects already completed by December 31, 2023 are not eligible.

Requests for contributions, submitted according to the methods described in the “Dialetti Notice”, must be submitted through the Elixforms online platform, which is open from April 29 at 10 a.m. to May 29, 2024 at 4 p.m.


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