What the G7 decided on climate and environment in Turin: from the commitment to phase out coal

What the G7 decided on climate and environment in Turin: from the commitment to phase out coal to the "Coalition for water"

The curtain falls on the G7 Environment, Energy and Climate, which opened on Sunday 28 April at the Venaria Reale Palace, near Turin. Ministers from Italy, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States reached agreement on a series of commitments to decarbonise and combat climate change. The most important aspect is … Read more

The G7 begins in Turin on the environment, energy and climate. Protests outside Venaria Palace

The G7 begins in Turin on the environment, energy and climate.  Protests outside Venaria Palace: "The circus has begun"

The G7 on Climate, Energy and Environment opens today, Sunday 28 April, at the Venaria Reale in Turin. A three-day event where ministers from Italy, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States, as well as leading representatives of European institutions, will gather outside the gates of the Piedmont metropolis. Italy, Minister … Read more

Packaging, air quality and business commitments: the Green Deal’s latest push on the eve of the European elections

Packaging, air quality and business commitments: the Green Deal's latest push on the eve of the European elections

In the last window available before the election, the Green Deal puzzle is enriched with three new pieces. Today, after its last plenary session before the June elections, the European Parliament approved three key measures of the European Green Agenda: the Packaging Regulation, the Air Quality Directive and the Duty of Care Directive. A significant … Read more

Ecodesign and the ‘right to repair’, green from the European Parliament to counter fast fashion and mass consumption

Ecodesign and the 'right to repair', green from the European Parliament to counter fast fashion and mass consumption

 On the one hand, new rules to make products more sustainable from the design stage. On the other hand, to guarantee citizens a real “right to repair”. The European Parliament today gave the green light to two measures in the name of sustainability. The first is the regulation on ecodesign, the rapporteur of which is … Read more

“Lento pede”, research that analyzes life in the inner regions

"Lento pede", research that analyzes life in the inner regions

Is the city the only place full of life and opportunity? This was asked by professors and researchers from the University of Calabria who worked on the research “Lento pede, life in extreme Italy” and who concluded that adaptation and experimentation are the two paths that can make interior spaces livable and allow for appreciable … Read more

the Sardinian third sector talks about itself and creates a network

Ondradio, the Sardinian third sector talks about itself and creates a network

  Project “Ondradio – Social landing on the island“, curator of the cultural association”Radio club” in cooperation with the association Taira Etscultural association”Passion for cinema“, Metecalab AND Creative serviceofficially launched the second season with the airing of the first episode of a planned ten, dedicated La Collina community of Serdiana (Cagliari), which deals with young … Read more

Eni: “The first industrial fusion nuclear power plant in the early 1930s”

Eni: "The first industrial fusion nuclear power plant in the early 1930s"

  Eni plans to build the first industrial fusion nuclear power plant in the early 1930s. This was guaranteed by the head of the fusion group, Francesca Ferrazza, at a hearing before the Senate Committee on the Environment. Eni participates in the Commonwealth Fusion System (CFS) project in the United States, a spinoff of the … Read more