Memorandum of Understanding between State Police Association and ADVS Ravenna

The agreement was signed on Tuesday, April 23 memorandum of understanding between Born Donors-State Police Association and Ravenna Volunteer Blood Donors Association (federal Fidas). This agreement complements the one already existing at the national level with the aim of further spreading the culture of donating blood and blood components and increasing the number of regular donors in the Ravenna area.

Doctor Ester Fadda, president of the DonatoriNati section of Ravenna, declares to be “particularly pleased with this new synergy, warm welcome and family atmosphere created between the two associations, which pursue the common goal of wide dissemination of awareness among citizens about transfusions – adding – that this partnership will certainly help to expand the circle of donors, especially among the state police, civil administration of the Ministry of the Interior and their family members”.

“I am honored to sign this memorandum of understanding with the DonatoriNati State Police Association – comments Monica Dragoni, President of ADVS Ravenna – because it represents another point of coherence with the various facts present in our territory. The opportunity to open the doors of our association and Ravenna Hospital Collection Center in such an official manner to all employees of the Ravenna Police Department is a source of great pride for me.”

Both associations thank the commissioner of Ravenna, Dr. Lucio Pennella and his staff for their support and great sensitivity in understanding the importance of the message being conveyed.

L’DonatoriNati-State Police Associationfounded in 2003 on the initiative of a group of members of the State Police and expanded in 2018 thanks to the union with the Fire and Rescue Service, today with more than 15,000 members including volunteers and donors, police officers and others, in 15 Italian regions it is the only police association with an institutional protocol, which aims to promote the culture of blood donation as an ethical behavior that gives new horizons to leukemia, thalassemia, transplant recipients, burn victims and all those in need.

ADVS Fidas Ravenna It has been active in the Ravenna area since 1961 and currently has over 7,000 registered members and a total of almost 9,000 donations of blood and blood products annually.


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