Erasmus + Ka2: Mobility, a European project with the theme “Art, history and tradition of Poland”

PUSH SISAM to participate mobility in Poland in context European project “Art and music to develop key competences and inclusion”. The last mobility of the European project ERASMUS+ KA2, “Art and music for the development of key competences and inclusion”, took place from 22 to 26 April which lasts two years from September 1, 2022 to September 1, 2024 and is aimed at improving students’ interest in classical art and music and their languages, rediscovering their historical and cultural memory through research and laboratory activities.

The official opening ceremony took place on Monday, April 22, at the host school, with a welcome by the director, prof. Irina Malesze wska and teachers involved in the project.
The meeting was particularly interesting due to the rich program of cultural visits and workshops organically related to the project’s goals; students, foreign guests and Poles, have
they followed all the activities with great participation and excellent results.
Numerous visits to local museums in the region, including an old paper mill, a museum of musical instruments, the Chopin Museum in Warsaw and related workshops. Several studios of well-known artists from the area were also visited
flat. Other workshops took place in the host school under the guidance of art teachers: printing on matrix paper; a dance workshop which was introduced by viewing a power point about the traditional dances and costumes of the partner countries and was followed by a performance in which all foreign and domestic students performed.

Valentino Montanari, president of A. – SISAM, warmly thanks the host school for the excellent organization and quality of the offer; special thanks go to professors Monica Sochacka-Kukielka, project coordinator, Marzana, Irina, Anna and everyone who collaborated on the success of the initiative.


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