Make-up, styling and manicure guests thanks to the Ravenna Academy

Once a week 12 students from the Academy of Aesthetics and Wellness in Ravenna, managed by IAL Emilia-Romagna, they go to wind rose, multifunctional complex for seniors to offer manicure, make-up or styling for guests.

Projecton a voluntary basis, around thirty students have taken part in it so far and it has a threefold advantage: makes the older guests of the facility happy and “more beautiful”, gives the opportunity for young students of the school to exercise and practice, creates relationships and solidarity between people of very different generations.

“When this project was proposed to us, we immediately said yes without hesitation – say Rosa dei Venti coordinators Claudio Proni and Eugenio Migliavacca -. We knew it would have a positive impact on our guests and it did. While at first they were a bit reluctant to try it, now they are asking “are the girls coming today?”. and the number of volunteers increased. We have women, but also men, ready to relax for a few hours and let someone take care of them. Moreover, it is also a nice moment of socialization and exchange, which enriches both parties.”

“The idea came to us after experiencing the success of similar sporadic initiatives in other residential structures in the area – says Ial of Ravenna director Filippo Pilandri -. From there, we thought about a more structured and continuous project and with different goals: improving teaching through practice, which also includes communication and organization of real “clients”; raising awareness of developing positive relationships with vulnerable people; “providing” pleasant and other moments to guests of residential facilities. The cooperation with Rosa dei Venti was very efficient and allowed us to organize everything without any problems. Special thanks also go to our teachers and educational activity coordinators who support the project and accompany the students in their afternoons at Rosa dei Venti”.


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