Upper Piedmont and Gran Monferrato: European City of Wine 2024 is underway

Upper Piedmont and Gran Monferrato: European City of Wine 2024 is underway

The great event European City of Wine 2024 starts on Friday, March 1st in Acqui Terme (Alessandria), which until November will ideally transform Upper Piedmont and Gran Monferrato into a wine macro-region, where it will be possible to discover the many and varied highlights of these territories through many activities . Last July, Alto Piedmont … Read more

Physics Towards a theory of everything: the first quantum measurement of gravity

La Teoria della gravità quantistica potrebbe unire la Relatività con la Meccanica quantistica

Let us return to one of the great mysteries of 20th-century science, namely the construction of the “most beautiful of theories,” one that is able to unify the major laws of physics by identifying a common matrix. Yes, because once the new road was identified, experimental confirmation arrived for the “old” one, which didn’t seem … Read more

Two hundred years ago: Dinosaurs thus changed the history of science

Lo studio di Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins a Sydenham, dove ha realizzato i Dinosauri del Crystal Palace, un un’incisione dell’epoca

Exactly two centuries have passed since the birth of a cultural phenomenon that continues to fascinate adults and children: “dinomania”. that is, an interest, sometimes beyond all rules, in dinosaurs. It was February 1824 when the English theologian and naturalist William Buckland compiled the first scientific description of a dinosaur: a huge jaw and gigantic … Read more

Astrophysicist Fontana: “A miracle guides us in our pursuit of the stars”

Una raffigurazione del telescopio spaziale Webb

For Aristotle, knowledge arises from wonder, without which there is no inquiry. This principle we learned in school seems more true today thanks to the amazing images of galaxies billions of light years away, sent by the James Webb Space Telescope, that amaze the common man and the scientist. But what amazes astrophysicists is above … Read more

Paleontology. Remains of a prehistoric “dragon” discovered in the China Sea

Il fossile ritrovato nel mar della Cina che custodisce i resti di una specie di drago

New fossil discovered in ancient limestone deposits in southern China enabled us to make the extraordinary discovery that of some kind of dragon 240 million years ago. News, relaunched by user BBCmagazine published first Earth and Environmental Science: Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, with an extensive description of a number of new fossils … Read more

Computational Sciences. How come an Italian invented the decimal point in the 15th century

Algoristi contro abacisti

Surprise: the decimal point was invented about 150 years earlier than previously thought. This was revealed by an analysis of the astronomical tables he compiled Italian merchant and mathematician Giovanni Bianchini in the 1440spublished on Historia Mathematica. Historians say the discovery rewrites the origins of one of the most important mathematical conventions and suggests that … Read more