Upper Piedmont and Gran Monferrato: European City of Wine 2024 is underway

The great event European City of Wine 2024 starts on Friday, March 1st in Acqui Terme (Alessandria), which until November will ideally transform Upper Piedmont and Gran Monferrato into a wine macro-region, where it will be possible to discover the many and varied highlights of these territories through many activities .

Last July, Alto Piedmont and Gran Monferrato were awarded the European City of Wine 2024 recognition by RECEVIN (European Network of Wine Cities), a title that alternately rewards the production reality of the Italian territory, alternating year by year with other wineries. growing cities in Portugal and Spain.

The recognition, created more than ten years ago, was first received by the city of Marsala, in 2013 the European City of Wine, followed in 2016 by the Treviso area of ​​15 municipalities included in the DOCG Prosecco Superiore Conegliano Valdobbiadene and in 2019, the territory of Sannio-Falanghina, in the province Benevento, with the involvement of 21 municipalities included in the production of DOC Falanghina del Sannio.

The Wine City municipalities involved are Acqui Terme, Barengo, Boca, Bogogno, Borgomanero, Briona, Brusnengo, Casale Monferrato, Fara Novarese, Gattinara, Ghemme, Grignasco, Maggiora, Mezzomerico, Ovada, Romagnano Sesia, Sizzano, Suno, Vigliano Bielles del Bosco. “Twenty wine cities – says Stefano Vercelloni, national vice-president of the Association and regional coordinator of Piedmont Wine Cities – which unite in the name of Europe. The candidacy of this large territory was supported by the Piedmont region with its departments of agriculture, environment and tourism; as well as a wide range of bodies and institutions such as the Union Camere, the University of Turin and the University of Eastern Piedmont; regional wine shops also play an important role, especially the Ovada and Monferrato regional wine shops. A team effort that will continue until November, when at the end of October in Stresa we will organize the Autumn Congress of the Cities of Wine, which will conclude this long journey”.

On Friday, March 1, the opening day of the European City of Wine 2024 will take place in Acqui Terme (3:00 p.m. in the meeting room, former Kaimano), on this occasion the association will present honorable mentions to all the mayors of the Municipalities involved for their participation in the entire program; speakers will include, among others, President Angelo Radica, Vice President Stefano Vercelloni and President of the Recevin network, the Spanish Rosa Melchor). Meeting on Saturday in Ovada (with a presentation of local wines at the Regional Enoteca of Ovada and Monferrato) and in the afternoon at Casale Monferrato.

Wine is the common denominator of all initiatives: Nebbioli from Alto Piemonte, native Vespolina and Uva Rara, red from Acquese and Casales: Barbera, Grignolino and Dolcetto; along with aromatic Brachetto and Moscato. “I am convinced – says Angelo Radica, president of the National Association of Wine Cities – that the territory will be able to be prepared and will be able to tell about all the beauty and goodness of these countries, where biological diversity and respect for nature and the rural lifestyle represent the main value. This European recognition is very important for the association; but in the meantime we are already thinking about next year. In fact, there is already a tender dedicated to Wine City municipalities to apply for the Italian City of Wine 2025. Each year we focus on a specific territory and involve local communities and all the key players in wine tourism and agri-food. Supply Chain”.


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