Growing the lotus flower: a guide and practical advice

Cultivate Lotus flower or Nelumbo nucifera, is not only a gesture of love for nature, but also a step towards creating a corner of peace and well-being in your garden. This article is intended as a guide for those who want to get closer to the world of the lotus flower, offering practical advice on how to grow it in a pond and in a pot, revealing the main varieties and secrets of the flower, which is a symbol of purity and spiritual rebirth.

From Indian lotus to white to dwarf varieties, we’ll discover how these flowers can transform any water space into an oasis of calm, as well as share care and flowering tips to help you fully enjoy the beauty of the lotus flower in your environment.

The lotus flower: between symbolism and beauty

The lotus flower symbolizes not only purity and spiritual transformation, but also resilience and adaptability. Its growth, from dark mud to flower above water, represents a path of overcoming obstacles to light and wisdom. This path reflects our ability to rise above life’s challenges and strive for a state of enlightenment.

The variety of its colors, from white to pink and yellow, express different levels of spiritual meaning and invite inner openness. The lotus teaches us that beauty and purity can flourish even in the most adverse conditions and offers a message of hope and rebirth.

The main varieties of the lotus flower

In addition to its unmistakable spiritual and aesthetic presence, the lotus stands out for the richness of its varieties, each of which carries a uniqueness that will enrich any water garden. From the majestic Indian lotus to the delicate white lotus to practical dwarf versions, each species of Nelumbo nucifera has something to offer. Let’s explore together the peculiarities of these varieties and how they can transform any environment into a haven of beauty and tranquility.

Among the most famous varieties we can find:

  1. Nelumbo nucifera Alba (white lotus): this variety produces pure, bright white flowers. The white lotus is often associated with purity and spiritual perfection. Its white petals open in the sunlight, evoking images of calm and peace.
  2. Nelumbo nucifera Rubra (red lotus): characterized by intense red flowers, the red lotus symbolizes the heart, passion and compassion. This variety is highly prized for its ability to command attention in any water garden and create a stunningly beautiful focal point.
  3. Nelumbo nucifera Momo Botan: a range of dwarf lotuses, ideal for small ponds or baths. It produces dark pink, compact and densely petalled flowers that add a touch of vibrant and cheerful color to the surroundings.
  4. Nelumbo nucifera Chawan Basu: This variety offers unique flowers with white petals edged in pink. It is known for its elegance and ability to adapt to different types of aquatic environments, making it a popular choice among lotus enthusiasts.

Each variety of lotus flower brings with it a special essence and beauty, helping to create water gardens of extraordinary charm. In addition to the aesthetic aspect, these plants play a vital role in the traditions and spiritual practices of many cultures, symbolizing transformation, purity and the capacity for spiritual upliftment. Growing different varieties of lotus allows you to explore the symbolic and aesthetic richness of these extraordinary plants that enrich the landscape and the spirit.

Cultivation of lotus flower


Growing a lotus flower is a unique and enriching experience that goes beyond mere gardening and becomes a true path of spiritual and aesthetic discovery. Every step, from choosing the right environment to the daily care of the plant, turns out to be a moment of deep connection with nature.

Choose the right home pond or lotus in a flower pot

The place of cultivation is decisive for the lotus. Natural or artificial ponds must have a sufficient depth, which varies from 30 to 45 cm, so that the roots are firmly anchored and the flowers rise majestically above the water. Growing in a pot is also possible, especially for those who want to soften smaller spaces such as balconies or terraces. In this case, we recommend using large and deep containers with good water holding capacity and a fertile substrate to place the lotus rhizome.

For the pond

If you decide on a pond, consider implementing a water filtration system to keep the environment clean and oxygenated, which is essential for the health of the lotus flower. You can also enrich the space with other compatible aquatic plants and thus create a varied and stimulating ecosystem.

For the vase

In the case of growing in pots, it is necessary to ensure sufficient drainage and choose a fertile substrate that supports the growth of the rhizome. The idea could be to place the vase on an area of ​​the terrace or balcony that receives direct light, creating a small corner of a personal water paradise.

The decision between growing a lotus flower in a pond or in a pot is not only practical, but also philosophical. While the pond offers a more natural and wider environmentwhere the lotus can freely express its majesty, growing in pots allows for a more intimate experienceadaptable to even the smallest spaces, such as a city balcony or a small garden.

Creating the ideal environment: blooming and caring for the lotus flower

Cultivating the lotus flower, from initial cultivation in the right environment to daily management to promote abundant flowering, requires dedication and understanding of its specific needs. In this section, we will explore how to set up the perfect environment for a lotus to grow and how to keep it healthy and vibrant throughout the seasons.

Preparation and planting

The first step to a thriving water garden is creating the ideal environment for your lotus flower. Whether you choose a natural pond or a flower pot as a home for your plant, be sure to provide:

  • Adequate depth: from 30 to 45 cm to allow for firm anchoring of the roots.
  • Light and heat: A location that guarantees at least six hours of direct sunlight per day is crucial for stimulating growth and flowering.
  • Nutrient substrate: a mixture of clay soil and organic compost promotes healthy rhizome development.

Maintenance and flowering

Once the lotus flower has settled into its environment, attention shifts to daily care:

  • Watering and water management: maintaining a constant water level is vital. Monitor the water level, especially in hot seasons, to avoid dryness or stagnation.
  • Light control: direct exposure to the sun stimulates flowering. For potted plants, adjust position to maximize light intake.
  • Pest prevention and fertilization: check the plant regularly for signs of pests and use environmentally friendly control strategies. Targeted fertilization with specific products for aquatic plants can increase the health and beauty of flowers.

With patience and care, your lotus flower will draw strength from the context you have prepared, giving you a natural spectacle of incomparable beauty. Remember that every little maintenance is a step towards creating a water garden that reflects the serenity and beauty of the lotus flower.

The lotus flower in culture and art

The lotus flower is prominent in cultures and spiritual traditions around the world, serving as a powerful symbol of purity, beauty, rebirth, and enlightenment. Its representation in art, literature, and religious practices reflects its universal significance and profound meaning.

Spiritual and cultural significance

  • In Buddhism, the lotus flower symbolizes purity of spirit and body. Its growth process, from the mud to the surface of the water to bloom beautifully in the sun, represents the individual’s path to awakening and enlightenment. The variety of colors of the lotus, each with its own meaning, further adds to the symbolic richness of this plant in Buddhist traditions.
  • In Egyptology, the lotus is associated with the sun and rebirth. It was often depicted in tombs and temples, symbolizing resurrection and eternal life. The cycle of the lotus flower, which closes at night and opens again at dawn, has been seen as a symbol of the cycle of life, death and rebirth.
  • In Hinduism, the lotus is considered sacred and symbolizes divine beauty and the expansion of the soul. The god Brahma, the creator of the universe, and the goddess of wisdom Saraswati are often depicted seated on a lotus flower, suggesting purity and spiritual greatness.

Representation in art

The influence of the lotus flower in art is vast and varied. In Asian art, the lotus is commonly depicted in paintings, sculptures and architecture, symbolizing holiness and purification. Its aesthetic form and vibrant colors make it an art object rich in meaning and beauty.

In contemporary art, the lotus flower continues to be a source of inspiration for artists around the world who use it to explore themes of growth, transformation and resilience. His artistic rendering may vary from realism to metaphor, but they always retain their symbolic power.

Lotus in today’s spirituality

Today, the lotus flower retains its significance as a symbol of peace, serenity and inner growth. Its image is popular in meditative and wellness contexts, where it serves as a reminder of the ability to overcome difficulties and flourish with grace. Even in fashion and design, the lotus is celebrated for its beauty and deep meaning.

Frequently asked questions

  • What does the lotus flower symbolize? The lotus flower symbolizes purity, spiritual awakening, renewal and resurrection. This is because it grows in the mud of ponds and lakes, but blooms above the surface of the water, untouched and beautiful.
  • Where do lotus flowers grow? Lotus flowers grow mostly in stagnant or slow-flowing water, such as ponds, swamps, and the edges of lakes in warm, temperate regions. They are common in Asia, especially India, China and Japan, but can also be found in other parts of the world.
  • What is the difference between lotuses and water lilies? The main difference between lotus flowers and water lilies lies in their position and structure: lotus flowers (Nelumbo nucifera) emerge above the water supported by rigid stems, while water lilies float on the surface with flexible stems attached to the bottom.

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