The Ravenna Cervia and Russi Family Center is celebrating its thirtieth anniversary


The Center for Families of the municipalities of Ravenna Cervia and Russi will celebrate its thirtieth anniversary and on Sunday, May 5, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., at its headquarters in via Gradisca n. 19 in Ravenna, it organized workshops and activities dedicated to families with children.

The party will begin by greeting the participants; will follow at 11 a.m presentation of the book “Grandparents and grandchildren. A bond that lasts over time”, edited by author Benedetta Landi in collaboration with the operators of the Center for Families; at 11:45 a.m. volunteers of the “Born to read” project and operators of Cooperativa Terramia will offer reading for parents and children in Italian and in a foreign language.

A moment together is also planned withaperitif offered at 12:30 to all present.

Subsequently, from 2:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m laboratories organizations of the third sector and the voluntary sector, with which the Center for the Family cooperates in the performance of its activities:

  • “Kindness workshop”, organized by Unicef, aimed at boys and girls from the age of three
  • “Courtyard Games”, organized by the LibrAzione cooperative
  • “Flower print, flower painting workshop” (bring a t-shirt, handkerchief, cloth to be decorated with a print) – organized by Villaggio Globale and CittAttiva
  • “Fantasy in flight”, curated by Sara Baraccani – Centro la Lucertola – construction of mini parachutes for children from 3 years
  • “Great Play with Simplicity” games, games for adults and children – hosted by the Right to Play festival management team
  • “Decorated bound boards”, a creative workshop organized by the Banca del Tempo and Sulle Ali delle Menti associations
  • “La Piadina Romagnola”, a workshop organized by the volunteers of the Center for Families and the Office of Active Citizens of Cervia
  • “Reading the story of Marco Cavall”, edited by author Renata Senni and illustrator Sahra Rossi, association “A testa alta” and Dalla parte di Minori.

One will be offered in the afternoon Snack. All activities are free and open access.

The Family Center is a service promoted and supported by the Emilia-Romagna region, aimed primarily at families with children aged 0 to 18 years. It is designed as an information point, support for parenthood, support for forms of solidarity and mutual help. It also operates in a network with institutional and non-institutional entities in the local area. It offers services such as Infofamilia, an access point to the center and an information and orientation point on local resources; psychoeducational and psychological counseling for parents and children; family mediation, help for parents in separation. It is also the institutional point of reference for fostering and adoption.

During the day, which will take place even in case of bad weather, the operators of the Family Center will be present to provide information about services and activities.


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