Elections of the Cervia lifeguard association: confirmed by the board of directors

A regular meeting of seaside businessmen from the area gathered in the Dante Hotel in Cervia in recent days. Cervia lifeguard association for the renovation of corporate offices. After the approval of the 2023 budget, in particular the item dedicated to the Bolkestein Fund, prudently earmarked in recent years, for the proposal of an industrial beach plan, board of directors which means confirmation – in order of votes -: Fabio Ceccaroni, Danilo Piraccini, Paola Batani, Luca Andreucci, Giuseppe Testa, Lorenzo Massi, Samantha Delorenzi, Denis Sintuzzi, Alice Pellacani, Davide Senni, Giorgio Lelli, Fabio Dell’Amore and the entrance of Mirko Baldazzi .

The newly elected board then met to elect a new president, unanimously confirms Fabio Ceccaroni of Bagno Delfino in Pinarella, outgoing president, again at the head of the team for the next 3 years. The vice-chairman was also unanimously elected, Lorenzo Massi. A special delegation to the councilor was also confirmed Danilo Piraccini which will deal with Bolkestein in particular.

“I thank the board of directors for the trust they have placed in me. It is certainly a very difficult historical moment because of Bolkestein, but if my colleagues have decided to vote for me, I cannot help but continue with the projects and the paths that the cooperative has taken precisely to face what seems to be the biggest challenge: the request . European directives – said Fabio Ceccaroni -. The members’ decision to confirm the outgoing board is also a sign of confidence in the work the cooperative is doing. I am sure that the industrial plan for the beaches of Cervia, which the cooperative has been working on for years, is the most effective way to deal with the public contracts that we must be prepared to protect our beach entrepreneurs and their companies. We thank the elected councilors and colleagues for the contribution and respect shown over time, which allowed us to work with calmness and efficiency, which are the basic conditions for achieving the goals of the mandate”.

“There will be no changes to the programs started during the previous mandates, which we will complete together for the benefit of the members and the tourism community of Cervia – continues Ceccaroni -. I firmly believe in the Cervia lifeguard association, in its values, in the many projects that I have shared and contributed to their realization. The experience of these years (I came from the role of councilor a long time ago) allowed me to consolidate the awareness of the importance of the beach for the tourist offer, the planning capacity and the value of the principles that are the basis of cooperation. Today, the Cervia lifeguard team is even stronger and more cohesive, knowing that it has the tools and determination that will be decisive in meeting the challenges, including overcoming the Bolkestein directive.


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