Inside the Gruppo Amadori campaign with marketing director Matteo Conti: very positive assessment for the new brand identity ‘People who love’


While the third flight of the campaign is being aired which marked a new turning point in Gruppo Amadori’s communication, Brand News met with Central Strategic Marketing Director Matteo Conti to talk about an initial assessment of this positioning and the innovations expected for 2024.

The first meat industry to decide to invest in plant based, Amadori intends to integrate the historical connotation poultry turning into a protein company and from here the new brand identity ‘Gente che ama’ was born, which was also entrusted with the difficult task of replacing the thirty-year-old ‘Parola di Francesco Amadori’, marking a new chapter for the company. The new campaign started in June last year, supported by a significant advertising investment and a strong increase compared to the previous year, conceived with VML and planned by Wavemaker, it integrates the renewal of the logo designed by strategic marketing with the brand agency Goodmind design. The Amadori Group is one of the top 5 large food companies in Italy, with 2022 revenues (2023 will be announced in June, ed.) of over 1.7 billion euros.

A vast programme, one might say: how is the first assessment? “Very positive: 2023 was the year in which we achieved all the objectives we had set ourselves: strengthening trust and esteem for the brand among both consumers and customers, results that we measured with Kantar, obtaining significantly higher scores in the comparison between exposed and non-exposed”, explains Conti. “Renewing consumers’ perception was the first objective, because in this market it is not easy to correlate advertising investments and sell-outs, private labels have a 50% share and promotion is very intense”. It seems that the objective of evolving a very strong positioning – ‘Word of Francesco Amadori’ – has also been achieved without however dispersing its assets, opening a new development path for the company, with the passing of the baton at the helm to Amadori and the positioning as a protein company, launched in 2022 with the launch of the Ama Vivi e Gusta veg line.

More territories and communities

In 2024 the company will also develop interventions to give back to the community “Our purpose, ‘Feeding the communities of today and tomorrow with good proteins for everyone, taking care of the ecosystems of which we are part’, substantiates the advertising positioning ‘People who Love ‘which will become a concrete action plan for people, the environment and communities, with medium-long term planning”, anticipates Conti, confirming the intention to strengthen CSR investments from an ESG perspective. To define these strategies, Amadori will avail itself of the consultancy of Paolo Iabichino.

The brand also intends to promote well-being, active living and sharing. The reconfirmation of the role of Food Partner with Rimini Wellness and the new collaboration with Dee Jay Ten 2024 should be read in this sense, another “widespread” event, from the first stage in Turin to the last in Milan passing through Bari, to reiterate the desire to be alongside people and families.

Digital showcase

Amadori also intends to develop first-party data with promotional and brand experience activities created to “populate the database and have direct interaction with consumers: this is also innovation”, claims the Central Strategic Marketing Director, looking above all at new generations.

“Being able to remain linked to the imagination of tomorrow’s consumers is an enormous challenge, for them we are a category made up of commodity products linked to purchasing choices that, at the moment, are not made by them: this is also why AMAverso was born, marketing initiative which “today is a digital experience that allows us to talk about our supply chains and our products in an immersive way, tomorrow it could be a space for other interactions and ecommerce”, adds Conti.

The creation of AMAverso, with the support of the Nimai agency, is a sign of a further increase in digital investments which will tend to reach the 30% threshold, but it is also another way to recover precious first-party data, as well as entertaining and build public loyalty through recipes and show business users the value of the Amadori offer.

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