The last generation in chains under David, the latest flash attack by eco-activists in Florence

The activists of the Last Generation return to protest in Florence: today, April 7, there was a new flash attack in the Accademia gallery, where five people entered the room of Michelangelo’s David. Two of them chained themselves to the railing that protects the masterpiece. They also put up a banner with the inscription: “Reparations Fund”, which they are asking to receive for solving climate disasters. Another group of four activists started instead Song of May De André, while leaflets were distributed about floods in Campi Bisenzio (Florence). Before the police intervention, they launched a call to participate in the Ultima Generazione initiatives planned in Rome on May 11 and 25. The museum was closed after the riot. After the two freed themselves, they were all identified by the Carabinieri at the Uffizi station.

Reparations fund

Activists specifically ask the institutions to establish a “fund of preventive, permanent and participatory repairs, which would be included in the state budget every year”. The money, according to Ultima Generazione, “will have to be obtained by removing ecologically harmful subsidies (Sads), by taxing the extraordinary profits of fossil companies, by reducing the salaries, bonuses and benefits of their managers, at enormous costs. politics and ever-increasing military spending”. “For this reason – they promise – we will continue to take to the streets, carry out actions of non-violent civil disobedience, take responsibility for our actions, face repression, courts and trials”.

“Like David and Goliath”

The choice of place for today’s event was not random. Emma, ​​a 24-year-old activist, explained that “David was afraid of fighting the giant, but he didn’t give up. We too can feel that way when faced with all the injustices of the world. We can feel small, just as David must have felt. But we have intelligence, we have strength. Our union is our slingshot. We too can defeat the giant, we must be like David.’

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