Use artificial intelligence to write great emails

We live in an era of artificial intelligence, a tool that is changing many aspects of our lives, including the way we interact with others and the world around us.

Speaking of communication, AI can be used in many areas, such as automatic text generation and correction, chatbots, voice recognition and control, as well as data analysis and market research.

But remaining in the everyday context, tools Generative AItheir ability to analyze data and create content can make them valuable allies optimize our writing process AND improve the quality of our emails. In fact, writing an e-mail is not always easy, both for the interlocutors that we can find at the other end of the computer, and for “panic blank pages” because we do not know exactly what to write and how to do it. . In this article, we will see how to use them in three different cases.

1. Creating an email from scratch

In this case, we need to use our prompt, the command we give the tool, to provide basic information such as the recipient, the target, and the main topics we want to talk about. Using tools such as chatGPT or Google Geminiyou can generate a first email draft quickly, overcome the starting block.

For example, to create an email from scratch, you can type: “Create an email addressed to our lead client expressing gratitude for their cooperation and providing updates on the status of the ongoing project.”

Whether you need to write routine emails such as answers to frequently asked questions, regular updates or standardized communications, you can use generative artificial intelligence to generate draft text that can be edited and customized later. In this case, it is important to give clear and specific instructions ensure the content is relevant: the more details and information you add, the more tailored the content will be.

2. Creating a list of topics to be covered

Another use case is to give the AI ​​a general topic you’d like to talk about in an email and ask the tool to create basic structure indicating what information should be included in each section.

For example, you can write: “We are Libero Tecnologia and we would like to create an email for our readers with the most popular articles of the week and an invitation to an online event about new technology trends. Create an email list with the different sections to include and tell me what topics to cover in each.” In this case, we will have a good basis to start without forgetting important information.

3. Review and improvement of already created text

AI can be used review and improve email which you have already written. In that case, just copy it into the prompt area and ask for it to be edited to improve the look, change the tone, organize the information, correct any errors, or make the message even clearer. For example, you can write: “Reread this email I wrote to my psychology professor and tell me how I can improve the tone to make it more formal and concise.

Before sending an important email, you can use generative artificial intelligence to check and correct any grammatical or stylistic errors. This can help improve the clarity and professionalism of your message.

4. Translation for communication in other languages

If you had to communicate with people who speak different languages, you can use generative artificial intelligence to translate emails quickly and efficiently. While it won’t be as perfect as a human translation and, like other results, will require checking, it can help overcome basic language barriers.

When you ask something from generative artificial intelligence, it’s appropriate express yourself clearly and precisely to achieve better results. No technical knowledge is needed, these tools are made to use a natural language, so you can talk to the AI ​​just like you would a colleague. Finally, it is really necessary to check the result carefully to make sure it is correct and fit for purpose: AI generates very useful content extremely fast, but it can be wrong and even make up information out of thin air when the so-called “hallucination” (an artificial intelligence system produces outputs that are not based on reality or objective truth). By using it, you can save time and improve the quality of your emails and digital communication.


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