Circo Contem: circus innovation in San Severino Marche

The SIC / Stabile di Innovazione Circense events continue in 2024 at the Feronia Theater in San Severino Marche (MC), in collaboration with Amat, the production center dedicated to contemporary circus from El Grito, which returns to the Marche after four sell-outs in six performances scheduled in the prestigious Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone in Rome. On three Saturdays, January 20, February 17, March 16, Giacomo Costantini, multidisciplinary artist, playwright, co-director of Circo El Grito and SIC, is entrusted with the artistic direction.

The Turin company blucinQue opens a preview of its new work Coppelia Project on January 20 (20:45). Led by Caterina Mochi Sismondi, the ensemble combines dance, acrobatics and twisting with the ancient circus technique of capillary suspension. A mechanical doll and an illusion, a body off-axis, hanging and helpless, like a puppet looking for a way to identify and at the same time free itself: the Coppelia Project draws attention to the theme of identity, the mask that each of us wears and the woman seen in her fragility but also in her strength, thanks to the different roles she can play. Inspired by the ballet Coppelia – The Girl with Enamel Eyes, in this new creation, a project currently being developed in several stages of presentation, techniques from classical and contemporary dance, twisting and capillary suspension and mixtures that want to emphasize the body and its fragmentation. . Based on Delibes’ score, the music features themes from the ballet, with electronic jamming and live compositions. In this presentation, there will be six artists on stage who are involved in the project of this work in progress.

“One of SIC’s goals is to spread a new sensitivity to the circus language. Something incredible is being created in San Severino Marche, seeing a full hall applauding an even more avant-garde performance is a sign that excites us. In the next three events, we present a contemporary cross-section of disciplines that are part of the history of the circus and which, combined with the power of storytelling, become stories to be lived” Giacomo Costantini

On February 17, it will be the turn of Giacomo Costantini (Circo El Grito) himself, considered one of the pioneers of contemporary circus in Italy, who will tell the story of the arrival of this new language and its origins in a spectacular Conference through dance, juggling and live music. The performance depicts the very early vicissitudes of the circus, its multicultural character, the arrival of Philip Astley – the horseman who invented the first circus ring in the world – and the existence of a circus made up only of human animals. And then again the importance of the journey, the circus’ relationship with death, the power of earthly attraction and the power of heavenly attraction. Concepts expressed in simple words accompanied by complex circus performances of aerial acrobatics, balancing and juggling.

Duo Kaos arrives on March 16 and after an artistic residency at the Feronia Theater presents the progress of their new show Flora (work in progress). Poetry and imagination, the artists move on stage and contaminate the acrobatic techniques of nouveau cirque with the techniques of choreographic research of contemporary dance. In a scenic landscape with earthy colors, two figures walk towards each other as the space rotates, immersing the viewer in a dreamlike dimension shaped by the slow metamorphoses and quiet balances of the natural world. Sunrise gives way to day, sunset to night in a present that reveals traces of the past: the real and the imaginary merge, bringing vague memories of distant stories, wonderful visions of the “planet to come”.


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